This 1989 GMC Suburban is custom painted truck. Only one out there that looks like this. The first owner owned a dealership and mix and painted the unique design and paint job on the truck. It has all ne wiring through out the truck as we had it all rewired right before our motor cracked. Someone was borrowing the truck and never checked the oil in the truck so while driving down the highway the motor block cracked. It is and was a beautiful great work and leisure truck to either do long hall or just drive around town. It has trailer hook ups with break hook ups for trailer. The middle seat lays flat while the back seat may be taken out. It is a shame that this truck has been sitting for the past few years. It broke shortly after my father's passing a few years back and this truck was my mothers. She loved it but the wrong type of people always would borrow and not take care of the truck in forms of gas or oil. We wanted to drop a new/used motor into it new just can't afford it.