Life changes are forcing me to sell my custom volvo 122s amazon, been working on this car a long time will be sweet when finished. Custom roof chop with windshield already installed, lowered by cutting springs and installing new shocks, deleted spare tire well. The drive train is original volvo that i have running off a portable gas tank due to the fact i planned to install a fuel cell, so when looking from behind the car would look clean.I installed a switch with a push button ignition running a ballast resister for the points. I patched floors, passenger side cut out old metal replaced with new, driver side i laid metal over existing floor, overall the car is soli, there is a small spot in trunk that i didnt get to.I adjusted the clutch while car was on jack stands, i have not gotten to the brakes. I have the trim, bumper, other parts, so in conclusion the car runs (has no muffler) but has no brakes. I hope i described it so you can understand what the car is, offered at no reserve with 500.00 non refundable deposit, cash upon pick up for the balance. I am going to list it locally so i have the right to sell before auctions ends.