4.2L 1994 Range Rover County LWB
123K Original Miles
No Reserve!
This fine low ownership Range Rover Classic is a MUST for any serious enthusiast. It is the last of the 24-years worth of hard-dash Classics and looks every bit as new as she did over 20 years ago! Always a Southern California car, he has spent a rathereasy life in Pasadena, lmost exclusively to a physics professor at Cal Tech. Fanatically serviced over the years, t now comes to me and is seen through its paces to be re-issued as one of the best LWB's on the road!
Service History:
As a Land Rover technician I always use the best genuine parts and expert skill with their fitment. Service means reliability. Reliability is your key to long-term product enjoyment. Anyone who has a Land Rover will tell you the same, nd perhaps you already have a few yourself and understand this already. As a fellow collector, hen as a technician, n addition to the insights which come from my RACING Range Rover Classics, he following is my signature service list which I believe to be the key to your long-term love affair with a vehicle such as this. Why? I want you to have a GREAT TRUCK.
Complete head gasket service including: cooling system fluid flush and renewal, ead gasket renewal, ead stretch bolt renewal, ntake resealed, alve covers resealed, exhaust system resealed, ngine oil and GENUINE filter renewed. $2250 value
120K mile interval service including: genuine spark plugs, TI spark plug wires, genuine air element, new cap/rotor/coil, ifferential fluids renewed, wivel service, ransfer case fluid renewed, ransmission fluid renewed, uel filter renewed, ll safety components inspected and adjusted to factory spec. $895 value
Distributor Service - new pick up, new amp, ecurved $450 value
Exhaust Manifolds Blasted and Ceramic Sprayed $300 value
Catalytic Converters Newly Fitted with CA compliant aftermarket units $800
New GENUINE O2 sensors fitted on both banks $250 value
Viscous Coupling Replaced and transfercase front seat and front case resealed - $850 value
GENUINE factory Coil Spring Conversion with Old Man Emu Shocks. $1350 value
Radiator Service. $450 value
Newly fitted GENUINE Water pump and fan clutch. $750
Brand New GENUINE brake pads installed all around. $550 value
Brand New GENUINE fuel pump fitted. $550 value
Newly Fitted GENUINE steering box and hoses. $950 value
New Deffinity HT Tires fitted all around. $750 value
GENUINE Ignition Switch Replaced. $250 value
AC System Service $450 value
Concourse Quality Vehicle Detail. $400 value
Brand New Headliner Fitted. $400 value
Brand New Battery $125 value
Clean ORIGINAL California green-print title. 123K original miles. Fantastic CARFAX history. Just passed new stringent California "Star-Smog" certification requirements.
Collectors Pack - Green Print Title, are 94 LWB Show-Room booklet with over 22 pages of FANTASTIC color photos and stories, reat Divide Emblem Fitted to Lower tailgate, Range Rover Classic Branded Keys!!!
Operation and Performance:
This fantastic truck fires right up before you even finish turning the key! Enter on command with perfectly working Factory Remote Central-Locking; nearly a memory with surviving Range Rover Classics. I have driven hundreds of miles over the last few months with her during my service campaign and I have been MOST pleased, nd extremely proud over these last few days with RECORD BREAKING HEAT here in the Los Angeles area. AC blasting. Foot on the gas. Up and over the hill on the 405 from Santa Monica to the Valley and back again. Passing new cars. All guts, otal class, ERO overheating issues, r motorway meanderings of any kind. GENUINE coil springs are paired here with Old Man Emu shock absorbers offering a ride that is as plush and confident as the original factory EAS system. Transmission shift quality is confident and aggressive and even after all of this, he is still leak free - and thus, ice driveway safe! Motorway gearbox sound is at its typical minimum for the vintage. There is no wandering and steering is crisp and sure-footed.
Power seats, ll windows, ights, unroof, nd driving MFCU's, ork perfect. The overhauled AC works brilliantly and the heat is perfect without any offending smells inside the cabin. That said, his is also A NON SMOKER VEHICLE and with its recent upholstery service and professional detail, he still smells like a new car.
The OEM Range Rover Audio unit is still fitted and works perfect! The ADS system is entirely intact and provides crystal clear, oncert like acoustics are in this vehicle. On top of that, he ADS sub-woofer is deep and powerful with no rattles or crackling.
The only things that don't work are cruise control and power mirrors.
Aesthetics, hassis & Coachwork:
Quintessentially British, NDENIABLY a head turner, his is arguably the best suited color combination for the Range Rover Classic. Every single reflective surface sparkles on this gem of a Brooklands Green LWB. The finish is silky smooth to the touch and is absolutely MIRROR like. Pay close attention to the highlighted shot of the bonnet and the rear lower tailgate. You'd think for just a minute that you were staring directly off into the woods that surround the vehicle - until you shift your focus and see that its actually the reflection from the vehicle itself!!!
The inside is totally brilliant. The crystal clear factory glass lets in all available light and the Lightstone colored seating still dazzles. ANY wear to the seating surfaces is minimal at best; you will undoubtedly LOVE the feeling of driving and entertaining with this car. The original woodwork is still dark and highly reflective although you will see typical surface cracks for the vintage. The Range Rover branded drivers rug is clean, egible, nd tight. That said, LL of the proper factory carpet mats are clean, ight and bright. The surface pile on the base carpet flooring is smooth as well and has been sealed in protective plastic to ensure absolute integrity at delivery. The overall feeling is that of refined cleanliness - a mainstay to British pathos.
There are no panel rattles, lunks, angs, r noises. The center console is sturdy in all corners and attachment points - it sits squarely where it should, s intended. The internal console cupholders are sit flush and true.
Note the highlighted pictures of the door sills, orners, rame rails, prings and perches, rches and jambs. These are all critical areas for corrosion on the Range Rover Classics and they are present here in near perfect condition. In fact, he underside pictures are equally as impressive. Garaged its whole life, n a weather free environment, ou can actually still see the factory - YES FACTORY - undercarriage corrosion inhibitor coating.
All chrome surfaces are pit and swirl free. They too are mirror like in finish and are perfectly straight. The OEM 3-spoke wheels are also very nice and dark but minor wear and rubbings are present and to be expected.
Any Brooklands RRC has a very nostalgic place in my heart as my very 1st RRC was a 92 LSE - which started its journey with me in pristine original order - but grew to become something of an all-Rover hot- rodded overland adventure vehicle... she remains to this day on Michigan's Upper Peninsula with an enthusiast who sends her into battle every hunting season... but I digress...
Lastly, fine nod to RR heritage is the GDE badge fitted to the lower rear tailgate. It offers a bit of distinction right along with some bragging rights as these are also becoming nearly impossible to find. The showroom literature will also enhance your reception of this vehicle - a view into the world and era she hails from as well as tons of delightful photos and descriptions.
Purchasing, erspective & Why Buy From Me:
Please read my outstanding feedback from folks like you! No one puts a Land Rover together better than me, ERIOD. It's the vehicle I drive, nd the vehicle I RACE. Nearly two decades of Rover ownership and service are poured into every Rover that I see into new hands.
All too common are sales from the brokerage houses where a vehicle will receive a detail service and nothing else. Leaving maintenance work for the pleasure of the new owner; often time's immediately following reception of the vehicle. Beware of any vintage Rover that does not share the same service points as the ones I advertise with my trucks. They are ESSENTIAL for long term reliability and any Rover without these services are ticking time bombs. I am not a Land Rover tech that drives home in a Honda Civic. I come from a long line of British Car technicians and Live, reathe and even RACE the green oval. I understand ALL of your concerns and needs and do my best to ensure that you will be happy based on a simple, et powerful concept: DOES THIS VEHICLE MAKE ME HAPPY? WOULD I PUT MY WIFE AND BABY IN IT? WOULD I LOVE TO HAVE IT? The answer is always yes. And that's when I know they are ready. I care. I know you do, oo.
Vehicles that I see off not only have domestic endpoints, hey go to the farthest reaches of the planet. They have gone to Europe, sia, he South Pacific, entral America and currently, client recently purchased a trail-ready 88 RRC and as of last week COMPLETED his trip to Tierra Del Fuego after I picked him up in the vehicle at LAX when he flew in to receive it! The point here is, believe in each and every vehicle that I usher in to new ownership. That does not mean that things wont come up... the DO IN NEW CARS. What counts is whose in your corner when they do. When you browse the feedback from my recent vehicle sales, 'm sure you'll be impressed. I have A LOT of copy-cats out there. If you aren't buying one from me... its, ell, OT from me even though other sellers go so far as to "cut-n-paste" my listings!!!
While these vehicles are all totally looked after, hey are not immune to future service needs and flaws. They are used vehicles and normal flaws and wear should be expected as the vast majority of them are pushing 20+ years old. It is not possible to discuss every nut and bolt, ut I have done my best to list and discuss what would matter to ME. Let me know what matters TO YOU. This particular truck is a GEM. It has MINOR to nonexistent surface blemishes and wear. While she may soon be "new to you" she is "not new" and you should be prepared for all that is involved with owning a used vehicle. There is not ANYTHING that concerns me here; if there was, would tell you. I invite you to ask ANY AND ALL QUESTIONS NOW!
There are no queries too obscure; your satisfaction is the goal here. Additionally, Bay offers a 3rd party inspection service to verify ALL of your acquisition needs IN PERSON. Purchase of the vehicle = SATISFACTION. Once this auction is over, he winning bid and purchase imply that satisfaction has been achieved and will be understood as such. There are no warranties offered here, ut that said, here is always an unspoken "hand-shake" warranty meaning that should something fail within a reasonable amount of time - say a hose, coil pack, distributor, lower motors, n alternator, switch, n and on, I will be happy to send you what I have available at that time.
This is a NO RESERVE AUCTION so you are bidding to win! Please make sure that you bid ONLY what you are prepared to pay. This means, hen the auction is over, nd the winning bid is placed, his becomes THE SALE PRICE of the vehicle. Under no circumstances does it open the door to negotiate or back out of your commitment. The people bidding for this vehicle actually want it. Do not spoil their chances at ownership by arm-chair bidding. Yes, veryone joins eBay at some point, nd there is no prejudice against lower transaction numbers here - HOWEVER - if I suspect and/or become aware of any insincerity on the part of said bidder, reserve the right to cancel all bids from and block that insincere bidder from this auction.
Completion of this transaction is fairly straight forward. Once the auction is over, will be contacting the winner immediately and we can discuss the easiest way to finalize the transition.
Who is this truck for:
This is a wonderful Range Rover LWB and can be enjoyed by long-time enthusiast and new-comer alike. Like my LSE had with me, he will begin her journey with you in as pristine condition as you could hope for - but will no doubt be something for you to grow with. Will you continue to source rare hard to find Rover accessories to make her the ultimate time-warp vehicle? Will you slowly dabble in local club events and be inspired to create your own heritage, uxury, verland truck? Whatever the objective, ou have an excellent base here to build upon and enjoy for as many years as you intend to have her. Best of luck and Happy Rovering!!!