69 CJ 5 Jeep. $16000.00 OBO
power steering with tilt wheel, luminum steering wheel, uick V6 Odd fire motor, 5/8 gages, enney Bell high rise manifold, olly 600 carb, -19 Trans, ana 44 rear end, eavy duty drive shaft, EI distributor and wires, oser axels, ro 9000 shocks, ibson exhaust, " tires, ift kit, 000 lb hydraulic winch, new alternator and battery, xtra differential cover by Mag Tech, ide lights under Jeep for looking down hills, bug screen for grill, nbsp;roll cage, urf bar, owing bar, ear back seat, nbsp;soft top with doors, un safe glove box, ickey Thompson wheels good paint. Best of everything, housands of dollars invested. Call me with any questions, odd (951) 279-2275