Upforbid with no reserve high bidwins 1980Ford custom F-100 2 wheel driveshort bed with wood bed with 300 6cylinder or 4.9 liter with 4 speed trans that has overdrive .. This truck has org 112,000 on truck.. I just put used engine in truck out of 1981 f150 that has 85,000org milesandruns perfect.. This truck has been in desert all life and has nicestraightrust freebody..but it has cracks in dash.. scratches here and thereon paint job and fuelgaugeseemsto not work or low in fuel ??.. Truck has been sitting since 2010 and iendedup with truck from from fellow that wasmoving in need of money...Lastmotorwas rebuilt and blockfreezedandcrackedfromcoldweather.. Afterinstalling used motor its run perfect .. took truck for 5 mile drive and it ran so nice and quite.. But it will need shocks and tiressoonor you can just drive truck as is for while before replacingshocksand tires .. This truck is good looking rust free truck and it looks to have beenrestoredwhile back butafter sitting for 5 years in desert heat it has cracked dash and and so forth .. So be safe i amsellingtruck as being needing restored or fixed up some if want perfect truck?? it has crack in headlight andtaillight and needsseveralotherodds and insrepairedor replaced . Also if winning bidder would like free of charge extra org motor and allemissioncontrol items i will load them in back just let me know at end ofauction...Truck has lot of good things for being 1980 -- 35 years old.. Has remotecontrolCD player orgowner'smanual spare tire and org jack underhood.. Pleaselook atpicturesand ask questions if you may have any . Again this truck runs and drive really good and looksreallygood ..but after setting 5 years iamselling as is nowarranties.. Thanks toallbidders in advance (( If you arehavingtruck shipped i live where transport truck can easy park and load truck up )