Fiat 2300 from 1966 in the documents (the ex-owner told me that the car is from 1964), 43159 kilometers, ngine2279 cmc with 6 cilinders (great sound, talian muscle) that runs perfect, 05 hp, ear wheel drive. History : thefirst owner of the car was the Chief of Cabinet of the Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania from that period (onlythe state institutions or important persons could have such a car in that period), ftera fewyears it was sold to the second owner that was a doctor and after the carwas bought by me last year. The carstayed in a garage for the last 11 years, ntil I bought it and since then I investedwork, ime and money in it, hanging(clutch pump, lutch hose,spark plugs, il and filter, lutch & brake liquids, ifferent hoses etc)and restoring(the water pump, rake pump, lutch cilinder, he radiator, he fuel pump, he carburetoretc)different parts . ORIGINAL NEW parts that I have for the car (included in the price): 2 sills, arburetor complete kit with instructions, wheel ball bearings- 2 small + 2 big, tripper capgaskets + others, elco cap, omplete distribution, agnetti Marelli coil and some second parts like therubber for the little window, lutch disk, dirrection or brake pump(I don`t know exactly), ir filter, part from the front bumper, ne ornament that comes over the lights of the car,some bushes and other iron parts. I also have the instructions & repair book of the car. The Fiat 2300 is avery rare car and the prices are getting higher and higher, t`s a good investment and a restored Fiat 2300 canget to25.00.-30.000 euros nowadays...not including the original newparts that I have for the car that you can`t findanymore or if you do, heycost a fortune!