1967 Fiat 1500California title, ast registered in 1999.NO RUSTI purchased this car from California 2 &1/2 years ago intending to use it after restoring the brakes and fixeing any thing else that needed doing but I have run out of time, ut it is fun to drive.A list of the items that were fixed.Master cylinder replaced, rake booster rebuilt, rake rotors polished, ads replace, ear brake shoes replace. flex brake lines replacedAll transmission seals replaced, heel bearings and seals replaced, wo barrel Weber carb rebuilt, as tank cleaned, new fuel sender.new fuel pump. new carpets, eat covers and padded dash recovered, new arm rests and recovered door cards. new soft top installed, new door rubbers, ngine bay rubber and boot rubber replaced. lights and turn signal cluster replaced with a new unit.The engine very good and starts on first try ( unless stored for a while, ong enough for the carb to lose it prime) the gear box and rear axle are also in good repair, s is the suspension. new tires and a good spare. the car was repainted a while ago and is good conditionAll gauges work except the water temp gauge, he engine does not over heat. All glass is good although the windshield is showing it ageThe chrome is all original and is in good condition for its age, ome pinprick rust on the rear bumper Could do with a new steering wheel and the soft top need adjustment, t may also need a wheel alinement.I have more pictures of the under side if you would like to see them email me at helengwells@aol.com Original 3 keys for the car.This car is nearly 50 years old and if you expect it to be like a modern car please do not place a bid.