Welcome to StreetDreamsTexas as celebrate our 21st year in the classic automobile business we are stoked to get this baby back into our hands. One of the finest examples of a vintage Datsun that I have personally ever seen as the paint job is of super high quality. We nicknamed her Wasabi 5 or so years ago when we sold her. Check out the vintage polished slot mags and t/a radial tires, looks good doesn't it? The 100 hp 4 cylinder runs well and is backed by a 4 speed manual transmission. The fellow we sold it to had the SS stripes put on the hood in a wrap or vinyl decal so it can be removed. I was going to take it to the local sign shop and have it removed but my guys said heck someone else might love it. This truck is cooler than the other side of the pillow. Keep StreetDreamsTexas bookmarked as a favorite for financing, insurance and worldwide delivery as well as all the cool vehicles we are getting in. Thanks for looking call now 830-997-1950