I traveled long and hard from an already remote campsite over the long holiday weekend. I crossed a high mountain pass with snowy peaks down into the desert. My family was still resting easily in their warm sleeping bags as brave old dad left in the wee dawn hours. What could propel a madman to drive 2 hours into the mountains? French Gold! This unique french car had been laying dormant for decades after the family citroen dealership was shuttered 30 years back. The mans father had then ferried the remaining inventory into the desert from the sunny shores of Santa Monica. Sacre Bleu! This poor frenchy had waited years to come out and play and that crazy car guy harris was going to bring it back home!At 7am I awoke the frenchman and announced that I had arrived. I begged him for a cup of strong coffee, and he kindly obliged! The two of us sat in the desert as the warm air started to warm up our minds and bodies. Or was it the coffee! None the less he explained how his family had many citroens and the collection was broken up just recently. He told me that after years in the barn he chose 2 cars and this avant was one of them. He had recently pulled the car down from his shed to the side of the road to sell. A lone grass hopper turned its head in disbelief. We hadn't seen one passerby let alone a potential car hunter! As I wondered to myself if anyone came by he told me he was a motivated seller and we struck a deal. He also told me hollywood types had come to the dealership to sniff out cars for shows and this particular car had been used by colonel clink on hogans heroes! I loved that show. People these days don't like exclamation points in adverts but shoot, I loved hogans heroes. The car itself is in fair condition. The man told me he used to start it up but I can't get it to crank over. The body is the strong point here. Its not rusty at all. The front half of the car is very shiny. Some hard polishing might bring the rear half back up to snuff. Its almost like the sun hit the back end and not the front. I firmly believe you could do this project on a budget with out painting the car. The interior will need to come all the way out and be re-done. Its gone to pot after all these years. You will also need to clean the car and really get it scrubbed down from the desert sand and dust. The interior and mechanicals will need some good hard attention and then you will be done. This is a great project for the do it yourself car buff. The vehicle deserves a new love affair, can you cut the mustard and get her back to her former self? harris