you are bidding on a one owner, xcept for me, addy coupe deville. car has always been in a heated and cooled environment since new, nterior is mint condition, ery slight wear on drivers side of seat, ot noticeable unless you are looking for it hard. no cracks in dash, arpet very nice and door panels and headliner look new, ll rubber seals for doors and trunk are mint condition, car paint is about a 7 or 8 being 10 perfect shines very well. new front end bushings, new brakes and wheel cylinders and calipers plus master cylinder. new tires, attery and distributor, resh alignment, ecent muffler installed. chrome on car looks very nice, ar does not appear to have any leaks on the ground, ar gets about 14 miles to a gallon. i have driven the car about 700 miles with not issues. there are 8 track tapes in the trunk and some of them do work in the car radio. that is all i can think of may have missed something, ny question call or email, o. is 901 237 4262 100% feedback, hipping is up to winning bidder, 00 dollar deposit to paypal IMMEDIATELY after winning auction, ot tomorrow or the next day, ight then.