This RepliCar is in beautiful condition. Runs beautifully and is a real Show Stopper. She has always been garaged and very pampered. She is an award winning vehicle,used primarily for Sunday drives,parades, ars shows and a television show. Please visit our bugatti website.Use three w's,then a dot then bugatti19274rent, hen a dot, hen com for extensive pictures and video or email us and we will give you the website. It is a regular website that has extensive pictures and a video of the Bugatti. We have owned and loved this replicar since 1997. The Aruba license plate was for a movie. California Registration current and good until August 2016. No smog check required ever. DMV has designated this a SPCNS vehicle meaning special vehicle never needing a smog check. Serious buyers only please! $1000.00 nonrefundable deposit through paypal. Payment in full in 3 days with an electronic transfer of funds from your bank to our bank. Buyer will be responsible for shipping. Sold "as is".