A true BARN FIND, he car has not been washed, etailed or manipulated in any manor, ust moved from the back corner out to the front door, lat tires and all.Here is your chance to own a very rare and unusual piece of BMW history. Up for sale is my 1961 BMW "Baroque Angel". In the early 60's Germany was still recovering from the great war. Most citizens could not afford a car, uch less a fine luxury vehicle. Production of this model was very low, robably in the hundreds. How many exist today is something many will guess about for years. Leave it to say, have owned this car for over thirty years and have never had some one say to me "I have one of those also". I've never passed one on the street, nd frankly never seen one in a museum.Years ago I set my mind on opening a BMW Museum in my older years, nd set about collecting some wonderful old BMW specimens. All was going well until my wife decided we need children. AND the world froze. I enjoy my children (when they are sleeping) and my memories of these fine cars, ut reality has stricken, wake up you old fool" enjoy your old age and get out of the garage!Anyway, hat we have here is a totally complete vehicle, he only thing I think is missing is the ignition keys. Little boys love keys. The car needs to enjoy a full restoration. The body is straight but does have surface rust all over. All glass is intact. Upholstery is complete and was redone in the early 90's with material very close to the original. The car was driven into the garage, h how I remember how beautiful and smooth that 2.6 liter V-8 purred, ike a clock. A point of history here, MW was the first car company to mass produce an all aluminum V-8 engine in it's fleet and this is the original version. The Luxus was the same frame and running gear as the famed and highly sought BMW 507. Many of these large sedans fell prey to 507 owners searching to secure their spare parts gallery for their exotic collector cars. This car is the basis for a chance to restore and own a historic BMW that few will ever see, uch less have the pleasure to own. It is a basic and straight forward design and construction and can provide a car that could be owned, njoyed and driven without the fear of over engineered and over electrified technological advances.Well, s usual it is sold as is, here is. No warranty or factory certified worthless promises. $500 deposit (PayPal) due at close of auction. Cash or direct wire bank transfer due on balance within 5 days of auction close. I know it says other things in the payment area, ut I don't know how to edit that . These are the terms I have found successful.Please feel free to call Mark cell 772 468-2277 if you have any questions and inspections prior to auction close are always encouraged and welcomed. I have a perfect eBay score and intend to work hard to keep it that way. I enjoy my eBay friends and keep many after the transactions. So, it back enjoy the auction, id fast, ard and high, ol. I look forward to help start someone's dream.